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Choosing Our Bridesmaids and Groomsmen // Wedding Update No. 3

One of the things I’ve always loved most about Nicolas is how family-oriented he is. Our families are so important to us, and we are both very close with our siblings (and each other’s siblings!) It was the best thing ever when all of our brothers and sisters met this summer and became instant friends.

It wasn’t a difficult task selecting our wedding party. Continue Reading


Saying Goodbye

Last week, I shared the exciting news in this post that my family moved! It has been a crazy past few weeks, but now we are finally settled in and really enjoying the new home and city. 🙂 Before I share my new bedroom with you all, I wanted to give a proper goodbye to my old bedroom (which I actually never shared on the blog!) This post is a bit personal, and I am writing it for myself to remember this special place. Feel free to read along if you’re interested. 🙂 Continue Reading

Beauty, Life

My Favorite Pink Lipsticks

This impromptu post is dedicated to my lovely grandmother who just passed away this past week. After hearing the news, I immediately flew home to the U.S. to be with my family and celebrate her life. My grandma’s name was Florence, and Continue Reading

Beauty, Life

The Sun is Not My Friend

For as long as I can remember, my skin has always been a topic of conversation. Some have been positive and some have been … not so positive. In one of my earliest memories of grade school, I can remember a classmate asking me, “Why is your skin so white?” Up until that point, I hadn’t even questioned that myself. Why WAS my skin so pale? I just shrugged my shoulders, and we carried on with our playtime.

A couple years later I can recall being at a swimming party for one of my good friends. Everyone was in their bathing suit getting ready to hop into the pool when one girl looked at me and shouted, “You look like a ghost! A real ghost!” Another one of my friends joined in on the conversation asking me, “Yeah, why don’t you tan? Don’t you EVER get a tan?” I can’t remember what my answer was, but I do remember that being the first time I was ever embarrassed of my complexion. Continue Reading