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Christmas at Tivoli // 12 Days of Christmas Day 7

Day 7 of my 12 Days of Christmas has arrived! Today’s post takes place at a place so dear to my heart – Tivoli. If you are a frequent reader of my blog, you know how much Nicolas and I love to visit this lovely park! If you are unfamiliar with Tivoli, you can read my older posts about it here and here.

Christmas at Tivoli is something so incredibly special. The only word to fully describe it is Continue Reading


Halloween at Tivoli

I absolutely love Halloween. I am pretty sure it stems from my mom’s obsession with this holiday. She always goes all out with decorating the house, burning Yankee spiced pumpkin candles, and making sure we always watch an absurd amount of Halloween movies. So when Nicolas proposed we go to Tivoli’s Halloween celebration, it was an obvious YES.

Tivoli, the world’s second oldest amusement park, is one of my absolute favorite places in Copenhagen. (Yes, Copenhagen is also home to the world’s oldest amusement park, too, if you remember one of my previous posts.) Tivoli’s atmosphere reminds me a little of Disney World’s but on a much cozier, intimate level. It is magical and charming, and unlike most theme parks, it appeals to those of all ages. The amusements take up only a small portion of the park. There are flower gardens, a theater, band stands, and countless cafes and restaurants, but I will revisit all that in another post. 🙂

I knew based on my past visit to Tivoli last summer that the Halloween festivities here would be nothing short of wonderful. I was right. Upon entering the park, I literally felt like I was in Halloweentown (only the best Disney Channel original movie ever). There was thousands of festive lights and jack-o-lanterns along with spooky music and treats everywhere you looked!

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