Today I am twenty-two years old. I cannot believe it! I have anticipated turning twenty-two since Taylor Swift released her song 6 years ago. Listening to that song, I always imagined that when I turned twenty-two I would feel so ‘grown-up’ and have my whole life together. (HAHA) However, part of me still feels like I am sixteen, and I don’t have my entire life together. I am completely okay with that though. 🙂 I am happy to be where I am, and I consider myself incredibly blessed. I have an amazing almost-husband, wonderful family on both sides of the ocean, and a job (or technically jobs) that I love. There is so much to celebrate.
I started celebrating this past Friday. My youngest sister turned nine last week, so we had a little family party together with lots of pumpkin pie! I received some gifts from my parents like this amazing sugar scrub from LaLicious and the It Cosmetics It Girl Beauty Book!

On Saturday I went to work for Small Business Saturday. It was a busy day in the boutique, and that made me so happy! My boss surprised me with these beautiful, handmade snowflake earrings. I love them so much! She clearly knows me well. 🙂
Nicolas had the day off yesterday and decided to give his birthday gift to me. I wasn’t sure why it couldn’t wait until my actual birthday, but when I opened it up, I understood! He gave me the biggest surprise ever – an iPad Pro. I couldn’t believe it! He thought it would be perfect for editing blog photos, doodling, and using it for all other things creative! He set it up for me and taught me how to use all the special features so I could play with it today while he was at work. I’ve been doing lots of sketching and even wrote today’s blog post on it. It is so fun!

Today has been a slow, relaxing day. My sisters made me some delicious pancakes for breakfast. My mom also gave me this new teacup. Isn’t it perfect? I had a wonderful FaceTime call with Nicolas’s family. They sang me happy birthday and gave me the loveliest gifts! Nicolas’s mom even made my favorite meal for dinner in honor of my birthday. I wish I was there to enjoy some with them! Now my amazing sister is making my birthday blackberry pie. I’ve had blackberry pie on my birthday every. single. year. It is the best! Nicolas is going to prepare some steaks on the grill for dinner (another one of my favorite foods.) Afterward, we’re planning on playing a game of Scrabble. (Am I 22 or 82? lol) It will be a nice and cozy evening. 🙂

And that is how I celebrated my 22nd birthday! Thank you to my entire family for making it so special and for my wonderful mother for giving birth to me so many years ago! I really enjoy writing personal posts like this so I can look back on them in the future. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I am so excited that it is finally Christmastime! Do you have your decorations up yet?
xx, Madison
Happiest birthday to you Madison! Hope you have a great day celebrating endlessly, of course, and I hope you have a fantastic year! Sometimes I too can’t believe I’m the age that I am 😉
Juliana | Ohhjuliana
Happy birthday! I hope it’s your best year yet. You celebrated in my perfect way, low key with the best people and good food!
Happy Birthday, wishing you many more of these wonderful celebrations. Your are certainly blessed and your gratitude shines through.
Happy birthday! It sounds like you had such a wonderful day! Good food and family (maybe not in that order lol) is the best way to celebrate the day!
Thank you! Yes, food and family is always the best way to celebrate. 🙂
Happy Birthday Dear Daughter.
You have been a blessing since the moment I held you in my arms that very first snowy night.
I hope you had a wonderful day, and I love you!!!!
I love you so much!!! <3
Happy Birthday Madison! Looks like a perfect way to celebrate!! Makeup, pie, and an iPad Pro! Best day ever! : ) Hope you enjoyed and had a wonderful day! Happy 22! I have a feeling it’s gonna be a pretty great year! ♥
Ahh thank you!!! Yes, it was such a great birthday, and I am looking forward to everything that is to come this year! <3
I hope that you had the best birthday sweetie!
Danielle xx
Thank you! It was such a nice and cozy day. 🙂