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Denmark, Food, Life

The First Sip of Summer

Helloooo, everyone and happy Sunday! This past weekend here in Copenhagen was so wonderful. I know it is not technically summer yet, but it certainly felt like it. It was warm and sunny and everyone was outside enjoying themselves – including Continue Reading

Food, Spain, Travel

Churros and Coffee in Barcelona

Happy Tuesday! I am finally home safe and sound after another week of traveling and am anxious to share my newest experiences with you 🙂 This post is the continuation of my last post when Nicolas and I visited Barcelona. If you missed it, you can read it here and see what we did during our first morning in this beautiful city!

After a much needed afternoon nap, Nicolas and I headed out to further explore the city. Barcelona is famous for its churros, so we were very determined to try some! We ended up at Churreria Laietana. It was one of the tiniest and coziest cafés I have ever been to. On TripAdvisor, it is rated #1 out of 176 cafés for coffee and tea in Barcelona as well as #8 out of 8,272 places to eat! We both agreed that the coffee was delicious and bold and the churros (freshly fried and doused in sugar) were amazing.

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Food, Life

A Danish Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! This past Sunday, I hosted my first ever Thanksgiving dinner with the help (ok, he did more than help) of Nicolas for his wonderful family. Just because I am overseas does not mean that I will ever skip out on one of my favorite days of the year, not to mention the leftover turkey sandwiches! The evening was nice and cozy, and I was so happy to share some of my favorite American traditions with them.

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Denmark, Food, Life

Brunch and Stuff

Hey, all! Life has been so crazy, hence the reason why it has been a little over a week since I last uploaded. I have been very busy studying at a makeup and hair artist academy here in Copenhagen. I LOVE IT!!! I am so happy to go to school and play with makeup all day. It is a dream come true! Anyways, on with todays post.

The three things that make me the happiest are food, pajamas, and lazy days. And Nicolas happens to know that. So on a beautiful Saturday morning he surprised me by bringing me brunch in bed. Obviously I got out of bed to grab my camera and take some photos (because it was too pretty not to photograph), but it was nothing short of delicious. He even made me coffee in my favorite Audrey mug. 🙂

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